Writing, Exploring, & Sharing Insights
There’s no off switch. Sorry, but you are stuck with it on the ON setting forever. Wondering what I’m talking about? Indulge me, while I tell you a little story. Once upon a time, 44 years ago, I frequently hid from the cops. Why? Because I wasn’t alone in my car, driving through the streets…
The end of 2024 is fast approaching. It was a hell of a bad year. I’d planned to blog here about life after retirement, but it was far too difficult and painful to even think about, much less write about. I’ve been through more than one person should have to handle in just a few…
I often think about who I am, deep inside. Of course, there isn’t one simple answer to that. We’re all a mishmash of all sorts of things. But lately, life’s way of messing with me has proved to me what I’ve suspected in the past. I’m a Thelma and Louise kinda gal. I’m Louise, in…
A long time ago, my mom put together an 8×10 shadow box which held little mementos of my childhood. Things like a charm bracelet, my cheerleader patch, and various bits of baby and toddler jewelry. My amazing friend, Jenny, is recreating it for me because over the decades, it became raggedy and beat up. While…
I sat in the dark, curtains open. I’d been sitting at my desk for an hour or so, with only the glow from the computer screen providing some light. The world outside the window matched the room, mostly dark, with only a dim light rising above the rooftops across the street. Dawn was coming, but…
We are moving. Again. Moving sucks. That’s the gist of this post, so if you’d rather not read further, that’s okay. You’ll have learned all you need to learn about my current state of life, and you won’t have to listen to me whine. Why are we moving? We live in a beautiful home. Our…
Nearly two years ago, I wrote a post titled, “Words That Make A Difference“. In it, I divulged that a Smash Mouth song, “All Star”, saved my life. I was battling deep depression and didn’t see any hope for the future or any reason to continue. I quoted one of the lyrics’ lines and how…
Purchasing a computer, especially a laptop, can be really expensive. The higher the specs, the steeper the price. But what if you could put together your own portable PC setup at a fraction of the cost? Through my journey of overcoming financial limitations, I’ve learned the value of smart solutions. Having worked with an impossibly…
The human race has failed us. We had a moment of glory when we gave birth to the grand idea of the Internet*. This changed the world in the most significant ways, and for a while there, it felt like it was the greatest gift we could have given ourselves. I remember a slice of…