What Lurks in the Predawn Hours?
I sat in the dark, curtains open. I’d been sitting at my desk for an hour or so, with only the glow from the computer screen providing some light. The world outside the window matched the room, mostly dark, with only a dim light rising above the rooftops across the street. Dawn was coming, but…
My True Colors
Today’s Bloganuary prompt is: What color describes your personality and why? My first reaction to this prompt was to write about my favorite colors, but that wouldn’t necessarily answer the question. Maybe one of my fave colors describes my personality but maybe not. I decided to take an online color personality test. Of course, I’m…
Cashing In
Today’s Bloganuary prompt is: If you had a billion US dollars, how would you spend it? To answer that question, I’ll just assume I’ve won the lottery, opted for the cash payout, and after taxes, I have a billion dollars left to do whatever I choose with it. I actually already have some of this…
The Future of Lost Treasure
Today’s Bloganuary prompt is: What is a treasure that’s been lost? I thought about this one for a while. Other than people I’ve loved and lost, I couldn’t think of any treasure I’ve lost. And I wasn’t in the mood to write a sad heartfelt piece of the death of loved ones. So then I…
Me As A Tree
If I were a tree, which would I be, and how would I describe myself?
The Dream I’ve Remembered for Over 50 Years
Do you remember your dreams? For how long? I can remember one and it’s one I had over 50 years ago. Here it is.
An Interview With Sheldon Cooper
An imaginary interview with Dr. Sheldon Cooper. You can imagine how that went…
If I Could Time Travel To Any Year…
What year do you think I would want to time travel to? Well, let’s find out!
If I Could Choose A Superpower…
The sneakiest superpower of all … yep, that’s the one I want.